Module 3 Coding Assignment >> Week 3 >> SQL for Data Science

Module 3 Coding Assignment >> Week 3 >> SQL for Data Science

1. Question 1 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Using a subquery, find the names of all the tracks for the album “Californication”. 1 Reset What is the title of the 8th track? 1 point Porcelain 2. Question 2 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Find the total number of invoices for each customer along with the customer’s full name, city and email. 1 Reset After running the query described above, what is the email address of the 5th person, František Wichterlová? Enter the answer below (feel free to copy and paste). 1 point [email protected] 3. Question 3 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Retrieve the track name, album, artistID, and trackID for all the albums. 1 Reset What is the song title of trackID 12 from the “For Those About to Rock We Salute You” album? Enter the answer below. 1 point Breaking The Rules 4. Question 4 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Retrieve a list with the managers last name, and the last name of the employees who report to him or her. 1 Reset After running the query described above, who are the reports for the manager named Mitchell (select all that apply)? 1 point Edwards Callahan King Johnson Park 5. Question 5 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Find the name and ID of the artists who do not have albums. 1 Reset After running the query described above, two of the records returned have the same last name. Enter that name below. 1 point Gilberto 6. Question 6 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. Use a UNION to create a list of all the employee’s and customer’s first names and last names ordered by the last name in descending order. 1 Reset After running the query described above, determine what is the last name of the 6th record? Enter it below. Remember to order things in descending order to be sure to get the correct answer. 1 point Taylor 7. Question 7 All of the questions in this quiz refer to the open source Chinook Database. Please familiarize yourself with the ER diagram in order to familiarize yourself with the table and column names in order to write accurate queries and get the appropriate answers. See if there are any customers who have a different city listed in their billing city versus their customer city. 1 Reset Indicate your answer below. 1 point No customers have a different city listed in their billing city versus customer city. 3 customers have a different city listed in their billing city versus customer city. 8 customers have a different city listed in their billing city versus customer city. 17 customers have a different city listed in their billing city versus customer city.

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