Week 6 Quiz >> The Science of Well-Being

Week 6 Quiz >> The Science of Well-Being

1. Considering what you learned about situation support, what kitchen counter may be a better environment to help someone who is try to manage their weight?

  • Kitchen counter with several snacks like cookies and chips
  • Kitchen counter with fresh fruit

2. Considering what you learned about situation support, what may be a better situation for someone who would like to develop a meditation routine.

  • Putting a post it reminder on bulletin board in the house
  • Putting a reminder in your phone to ping you right before

3. Considering what you learned about situation support, what may be a better situation for someone who is trying to make a habit of going to the gym.

  • Packing a gym bag the night before
  • Packing a gym bag right before

4. Considering what you learned about situation support, what may be a better situation for someone who has been putting off planning an event.

  • Planning the event alone
  • Planning the event with friends

5. _________ and ___________ when combined are scientifically-associated with better goal setting. (Check two concepts below)

  • Mental contrasting (a visualization technique involving first thinking of a positive future outcome followed by thinking of obstacles)
  • Implementation intention (a self-regulatory strategy in the form of an “if-then plan” that can lead to better goal attainment)
  • Practicality (an assessment framework in which you determine how practical and important attaining a goal will be in your life)
  • Achievability (a forecast of how realistic and feasible achieving the goal will be)

6. The WOOP technique helped women stick to their fitness goals and lead to an increase in the amount of physical activity for what range of time?

  • Up to 10 days
  • Up to 10 weeks
  • Up to 10 months
  • No change

7. Did you enjoy your Time Affluence this week?

  • Yes
  • No

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