Module Quiz-3

Module Quiz >> Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Correct: VMs in Compute Engine are a collection of networked services which includes persistent disks disks that are network-attached. In some cases the GCP VM behaves unlike hardware or other kinds of virtual machines, for example, when a multi-tenant virtual CPU “bursts”, using excess capacity beyond the VM spec.
Correct: That’s correct! Sustained use discounts are automatic discounts that you get for running specific Compute Engine resources (vCPUs, memory, GPU devices) for a significant portion of the billing month. To take advantage of the full 30% discount, create your VM instances on the first day of the month, because discounts reset at the beginning of each month.
Correct: Persistent Disks are not physical disks, they are a virtual-networked service. Each persistent disk remains encrypted either with system-defined keys or with customer-supplied keys.