Which of the following tools will enable you to sort your spreadsheet by city (Column K) in ascending order?

For the past six months, you have been working for a direct-mail marketing firm as a junior marketing analyst. Direct mail is advertising material sent to people through the mail. These people can be current or prospective customers, clients, or donors. Many charities depend on direct mail for financial support.

Your company, Directly Dynamic, creates direct-mail pieces with its in-house staff of graphic designers, expert mail list services, and on-site printing. Your team has just been hired by a local nonprofit, Food Justice Rock Springs. The mission of Food Justice Rock Springs is to eliminate food deserts by establishing local gardens, providing mobile pantries, educating residents, and more. Click below to read the email from Tayen Bell, vice president of marketing and outreach.

C5 Course Challenge, Email From Tayen Bell, Directly Dynamic .pdfPDF File
To sort your spreadsheet by city in ascending order, Sort Sheet by Column K from A to Z. You can also use the SORT function syntax =SORT(A2:R210, 11, TRUE).