Dynamic Arrays and Amortized Analysis

Dynamic Arrays and Amortized Analysis >> HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

Correct: The minimum is achieved when we alternate with one PushBack followed by one PopBack. The size of the array never exceeds 1, so the capacity also never exceeds 1.

The maximum is achieved when we have 24 PushBacks followed by 24 PopBacks. The maximum size is 24, so the corresponding capacity is 32 (next highest power-of-two).


n/2-1 PushBack and PopBack operations.

n/2 elements, and then PopBack n/2 elements.

n be a power of 2. Add n/2 elements, then alternate n/4 times between doing a PushBack of an element and a PopBack.

Correct: Once we have added 

n/2 elements, the dynamically-allocated array is full (size=n/2, capacity=n/2). When we add one element, we resize, and copy n/2 elements (now: size = n/2+1, capacity=n) When we then remove an element (with PopBack), we reallocate the dynamically allocated array and copy n/2 elements. So, each of the final n/2 operations costs n/2 copies, for a total of n^2/4 moves, or O(n^2)


\Phi(h) = 

\Phi(h) = 2 \times size – capacity

\Phi(h) = max(2 \times size – capacity, capacity/2 – size)

\Phi(h) = max(0, 2\times size – capacity)

Correct: This is a valid potential function since:
  • When we start, size=capacity=0, so Φ(h0)=0
  • Φ(ht)0 since, if size > capacity/2, the first term of the max is non-negative, and if size capacity/2, the second term of the max is non-negative.

The analysis of PushBack remains just as in lecture. The question is what happens when we do a PopBack. Amortized cost = true cost + \Phi(h_t) – \Phi(h_{t-1})

  • no resize needed: true cost = 1. If size > capacity/2, the change in Φ=Φ(ht)Φ(ht1)=2. If size capacity/2, the change in Φ=1. Max total amortized cost is 3.
  • Resize needed: true cost = capacity/4 + 1. Φ(ht)=0,Φ(ht1) = capacity/2 – (capacity/4 + 1) = capacity/4 – 1. Total amortized cost = capacity/4 + 1 – (capacity/4 – 1) = 2.

O(1 because we can place one token on each item in the stack when it is pushed. That token will pay for popping it off with a PopMany.

O(1 because the sum of the costs of all PopMany operations in a total of n operations is O(n).

O(n) because we could push n-1 items and then do one big PopMany(n-1) that would take O(n) time.

O(1) because there wouldn’t be that many PopMany operations.

O(1) because we can define \Phi(h) = size.